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Where Can You Buy An Effective Lice Treatment Kit in Scarsdale?

You found out that you have lice, now what do you do? With so many lice kits out there, how do you know the best way to ensure that the lice will be gone? Is the mayonnaise method the best or some boxed kit from the store? The Lice Treatment Center in Scarsdale has created a Lice Removal kit that can help you safely and effectively kill the lice and their eggs.

Five steps to using the effective lice treatment kit:

  • Prepare: We recommend that you use the treatment either in the kitchen or the bathroom for an easier clean up. Wrap a towel around your shoulders; you’ll also need clips large enough to part hair into sections and a bowl of water to clean the comb in between brushings.
  • Easy Rinse Formula: Apply the easy rinse liquid gel to dry hair. The gel will appear green; make sure the whole head is wet with the easy rinse formula gel. Make sure the gel is distributed evenly throughout the hair, and the gel saturates the hair for ten minutes.
  • Lice and Egg Removal: Use the clear side of the applicator to remove the lice, eggs, and excess gel from the hair. Use the metal comb and brush all the way through until the ends of the strands; wipe comb in between every stroke.
  • Clean Up: The lice should now be removed. Carefully take away the towel and use a lint brush to remove any extra debris that may have fallen onto clothing. Carefully sweep or vacuum, ensuring that all the lice and eggs are all gone. Wash the towel and clothes on hot and dry on high. Place the application, clips, and comb into a zipped bag and freeze for 48 hours. Keep the dispenser and comb to repeat process again ten days later.
  • Follow Up: There is enough treatment to be applied ten days later. You can choose to treat any time within ten days after the first application.

Having an effective lice treatment is key in getting rid of lice and making sure they stay away. If you have any questions, contact us at The Lice Treatment Center in Scarsdale to get your effective lice treatment kit today.